And This is My Story...
I’m a risk taker, a ball buster, and an absolute mama bear to all of my nieces and nephews. I love to create and to travel, visit my blog to read about all of my adventures! Some would say I’m stubborn, I prefer to call myself determined and passionate. I will bet on myself every single time. I live a happy life in Auburn with my husband, Jimmy. But I didn’t get to this place in my life easily.

Before that day, I never knew that I had Type 1 diabetes. When I arrived at the hospital, I was in Ketoacidosis and in danger of a diabetic coma. I almost didn’t make it. But, thanks to the fast action and hard work of the medical staff, I pulled through.
The next decade brought more challenges and personal tragedy. I went through a difficult divorce and got diagnosed with Graves Disease, which forced me to undergo radiation. I lost my step-nephew in a school shooting and watched my sweet mother-in-law pass away from cancer. My newborn nephew was sent to Rainbow Babies & Children’s hospital as a victim of child abuse.

Please understand, I don’t have children of my own, I'm a Aunty and a Graunty. When Nick passed it was like I lost my son. My world was shattered. My heart fell out of my chest. I felt like an empty soul.
I fell into a dark depression that made it hard to even get out of bed. I stopped taking care of myself and wasn’t managing my diabetes. I was scared to ask for help. I’d always prided myself on being tough, but my “git’er done” resourcefulness had disappeared.

I made a choice take my life back. I found mentors and coaches with similar life experiences, created new daily rituals, and now, almost 4 years later, my mess has become my message. Now its my turn to share my story and teach my clients the tips and tricks I implement everyday and that have changed my life. I started travelling more and reconnected with nature and myself. Now, adventure has a crucial aspect of my living a healthy and fulfilled life.
I became a transformation teacher to give back to my community and use my experiences to inspire others. Vulnerability is not my weakness, it is my courage and strength. I have a strong faith and trust that life happens for you, not to you. No matter what you have or what has happened in your life, we all have a choice.

Let’s get to know each other, with zero pressure to make a commitment!