4 Tips to Defeat Depression

depression top tips Apr 14, 2022
An image of Kristin Zako giving advice from personal experience. The topic is 4 tips for defeating depression and simple ways to get started.

Struggling with depression? I can tell you from experience the struggle is real. waking up in the morning feeling the weight of the elephant come crashing down on my body and the thought of even getting out of bed to go to work felt impossible

I was emotional emotionally eating my feelings, grieving and my blood sugar was out of control. I had to increase my Insulin and Synthroid also. I was a hot mess!

So, this is what rock bottom feels like...

I didn't want to stay stuck in this funk and was on the road to serious health issues. I was scared. 

I got very honest with myself and asked the question "why do I desire to take my heath back?"

That's when I got my answer. "Because I don't want my family to suffer yet another loss."

Below are a few doable tips to help you get started.

Tip 1 Spend time in nature. Make the commitment to move in nature for 10 minutes. No more no less. Just getting started was hard enough so 10 minutes felt doable.

Tip 2 Set your clothes and shoes next to your bed the night before so you don't have to think about attempting to do that in the morning. Keep it simple.

Tip 3 When the alarm clock goes off whip those covers off! Have your phone away from you so you have to get out of bed to turn it off 

Tip 4 Get dressed and walk through the threshold of your front door, and walk for 10 minutes. Just. Get. Started.

Psychological research is proving  how time in nature can improve our mental health, sharpen our cognition. (adios brain fog)  Reduce depression, anxiety, tension, boost energy, decrease mental fatigue, increase happiness, and good vibes!

For more tips Sign up for my FREE Mini Mindset Reset

In every walk with nature one receives far more then he seeks "

                                                    ~ John Muir

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