Allegheny Mountains, PA

Aug 05, 2021

Feeling like a diabadass rippin’ on my Quad Suzuki Ltr 450! An awesome camping trip in the Allegheny Mountains, PA with some of my favorite peeps! For me it’s crucial I spend as much time in nature as possible! It is extremely healing. Aside from my insulin and synthroid, it’s my best medicine. When I’m able to disconnect and take in all of the healing properties that Mother Nature has to offer I feel the most energized and connected to my element and myself.


Tips For Type 1

We never really know how long we will be riding for, so I make sure I am prepared for a long day. I carry my trustee backpack full of all my necessity’s along with plenty of food water and snacks. Glucose tablets are handy to have just in case your sugar drops suddenly. Anytime you are exerting yourself your blood sugar can fluctuate. If I feel I need to bring more food/necessities we will bring a bungee cord and secure whatever we need to the quad. I have a tendency to bring extra, because I have a mind of a diabetic. Most people don’t plan or prepare like their life depends on it…


“We only live once. Wrong! We only Die once. We live every day!”

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