Kayaking Chagrin River, Ohio

Aug 05, 2021

This was fun, my husband and I went on a little staycation adventure. You don’t always need to travel far for something active or fun to do. When the weather cooperates there are so many things around us that we can do. Kayaking is one of my favorites! This particular excursion was exciting to say the least… I received a weather alert on my phone, so we had to haul ass upstream to beat the storm! We made back to the truck and it started pouring! We beat the storm! That would not have been fun or safe stuck on the river during a thunderstorm in a kayak. But we made it out safe and sound.


Tips for type 1

It’s difficult to wear a backpack while sitting in a kayak. So what I do for easy access is clip it on to the straps attached to my kayak. So if I flip I don’t lose my life support! There is always a place to connect your back pack, or whatever you carry your supplies in. Just try to secure it in a place where you don’t have to move around a lot, and are comfortable to access it, so you don’t risk tipping the kayak.


“If you want to see the sunshine you have to weather the storm.” -Frank Lane

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