Rockies in Estes Park

Aug 05, 2021

It doesn’t get much better than this. Meet Wendy the horse. This beautiful beast took me up and down the Rockies in Estes Park. Wendy and I had an incredible connection. She was strenght and power, yet gentle and protective. She was the biggest horse they had! We had a beautiful bond I will never forget. Horses are incredible animals.

There is something to be said about trusting and letting go of the control we all think we have…
The natural healing power of nature and horse back riding in the mountains was an amazing experience. Food for the soul.

Tips for Type-1

I had a snack before heading out. Estimated time we were gone was about an hour and a half. So in my saddle bag I packed water, my meter, and insulin. Never leave home without it! In my pockets I had a protein bar and glucose tablets just in case. It’s amazing how being out in the element, in the mountains, and what letting go does for my blood sugar and overall health.


“Anything you can’t control is teaching you how to let go.” -Tiny Buddha

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